The Mighty Men of Unity Renaissance
Our Men’s Group is open to any males 18 or over. The group meets monthly, holds offsite retreats twice a year, sponsors service projects at the church and hosts the annual Men’s Group Auction — an evening of community and Fun-raising that also raises funds for projects to improve the church facility.
How to Participate
Simply show up for any Men’s Group meeting. The meetings are usually held on a Saturday morning at the church. Check the church calendar to find their next meeting time.
The Annual Men’s Auction
You can begin preparing for the annual auction now by setting aside items you would like to donate. In mid-February, you’ll be invited to contribute items, services (e.g., massage therapy, healing services, interior design support, musical instruction/coaching, babysitting, food preparation/service, lawn and garden service, handyman hours, etc.) and desserts to be auctioned.
You might also ask friends and neighbors for items to donate, such as: antiques, collectables, jewelry, tools, art, electronics, golf clubs and sporting equipment, cars & boats (can split the auction price with owner). Donated items need to be in good condition. Arrangements can be made for large-item pickup.
The auction is open to the entire community, not just those who attend Unity Renaissance. Tell and bring your friends, acquaintances and extended family members!

Welcome to Unity Sisterhood
Our Vision:
We are a diverse, inclusive group of women who support one another, the church, and the community for personal growth, friendship, and fun.
When We Meet:
The Unity Sisterhood meets from 1:15 – 3:15 p.m. the third Sunday of each month in Meyer Hall.
What We Do:
- At each meeting we provide support, inspiration, and encouragement, and empower each other to create a life we love.
- We provide opportunities to serve and support our sisters and local charities to enhance and enrich our lives and our community.
- We share and explore a different theme and topic at each meeting.
All women are welcome. Come join us!
Each sister is invited to bring a snack or refreshment to share.
No childcare is provided at this time.
For more Information:
Call: 757.420.5280
Email: unitysisterhood2019@gmail.com
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